Looking forward in 2021


Hi everyone, Kev here from Rex with our latest tiny talk and today I'm with Tom the Rex product manager.

So Tom, 2021 is a big year. What are you most looking forward to?


That's got to be Rexfest, our team here have some really incredible new functionality dropping over the next few weeks. We're going to be running a virtual festival of product enhancements.


Oh all right, who doesn't love a festival. So give us the headline acts.


So we're getting very serious about automation, with the changes coming in Rex you'll be able to put your Prospecting, Listing, and Selling on autopilot. We've got some exciting new reporting coming as well that lets you get real-time insights on your agencies performance that are actually actionable.


So that sounds to me like customers are going to have more time to spend on building real customer relationships.


Yeah thats pretty much it. 2021 for us is all about enabling human connection. we're building Rex so that everyone in the property transaction has a great experience.


That's fantastic! Alright, well thats it for our tiny talk for today. Stay in touch with all of our live product updates at rexsoftware.com and we'll see you in the next one.

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